Dear valued Patients:

Michigan Oculofacial Specialists has been working to incorporate the necessary processes to create a safe and secure environment. This will be our ongoing priority during this rapidly changing pandemic.

Our offices will be following the recommended guidance from public health authorities, including best practices for hygiene and infection control.

What we are doing to prepare for your visit

  • Screening our Staff and doctors with a daily medical questionnaire
  • Screening patients with a medical questionnaire
  • Limiting the number of patient appointments
  • Limiting the number of patients in our waiting rooms
  • Arranging lobby and exam room furniture for social distancing
  • Exam rooms disinfected after each patient

Thank you for following our guidelines during your visit

All patients and visitors are required to wear a mask that covers their nose and mouth, when entering our buildings and offices.

Please come into our office alone-If necessary family and friends can wait in our building lobby. Please call ahead with special circumstances

We may ask that you wait in your car in preparation for your visit

Please do not bring any food, drinks or packages into our offices

Please only paper checks and credit cards when making payments

Thank you!
Dr. Ehrlich, Dr. Handler, Dr. Pearce and staff

The American Academy of Ophthalmology Michigan Society of Eye Physicians & Surgeons American Medical Association American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery ASOPRS Michigan State Medical Society